Food Pantry

The food pantry is open on Wednesdays
from 9:00 – 11:30 am, and serves residents of Sherwood.

It is located at the 9650 Hwy 107, Sherwood.  

Grill Ministry

The Grill Ministry is an exciting opportunity to serve by providing meals in our community and engaging in Gospel conversations.

 For more information about serving in this ministry, please email Jimmy Gassaway.

Christmas Closet

The Christmas Closet is an annual event hosted each December by Central Baptist Church. Needy families who cannot afford to buy their own children gifts are invited to participate. The parents attend a church service where the gospel is shared. After lunch is served by our Grill Team, we let them visit our Christmas Closet and pick out several toys for each of their children. It’s a great way for our church to reach out and love on those less fortunate. This event happens all in one day but the planning and collecting of toys is a year long process. Please email Lisa Gassaway for more information.

ABC Ministries

Central Baptist Church gives a budgeted amount every year to the Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes. “ABCHomes serves children and families who are often the very last: The last to be loved. The last to be protected from abuse. The last to be afforded an opportunity for a proper education. And, sometimes, even the last to be given food in their own homes.” Central Baptist is committed to assisting the Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes in this great effort.

Tranistions Ministry

Central Baptist Church is honored to have a growing relationship with Transitions Faith Based Therapeutic Community in Little Rock, Arkansas, a recovery home for men.  We have been blessed to see a number of men at Transitions come to know Christ and be baptized at Central Baptist Church through the faithful witness and efforts of Central Baptist members.

North Pulaski Baptist Association

Central Baptist Church gives a percentage of all receipts to support the North Pulaski Baptist Association (NPBA). The objectives of the NPBA are:


Dixie Jackson State Missions Offering

Central Baptist Church gives 5% of our yearly Great Commission Fund missions offering to The Dixie Jackson Offering of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. This offering “helps Arkansas Baptists be on mission every day: planting churches, disaster relief, training the next generation of ministers (E4Call), connecting with international students (BCM), supporting Christian Men’s & Women’s Job Corps, pregnancy resource centers, and so much more.”

Connected Foster Care Ministry

Connected is a foster care ministry whose goal is to be an extension of our authentic family by recruiting, training , supporting, and praying for fostering families in our church. Becoming a foster family can be intimidating, but we are here to encourage each other in an incredible journey of faith to care for children and families in our community. We seek to serve Christ by opening our homes to children who need love and safety and sharing the gospel with their families as we support reunification.